Bought a Viper


Viper Owner
Nov 15, 2002
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA USA
I took the plunge and bought a '99 Black / Cognac RT/10! I have dreamed of owning a car like this for a very long time, and still can't believe I now own one. Probably not the smartest financial decision I have ever made, but sometimes as Tom Cruise put it in Risky Business, "Sometimes you just have to say what the ......". At least I took advantage of the soft market for Vipers that I have noticed a lot of others being justifiably concerned with. Unfortunately, since I live in Chicago, I only drove it about 250 miles the weekend I bought the car and put it to bed for the winter. Incredible weekend it was though. The reaction and look on my close friends / relatives faces, was truely priceless. The first night after the purchase I was so wound up, I felt like a kid waiting for Christmas morning to come so that I could go back out and play with my new toy again! I debated a long time about what type of car to buy and whether the no compromises design of a Viper would be something that would make me happy. I have had zero buyer's remorse and could not be happier with my purchase (at least so far, lets hope nothing breaks). The driving experience is just incredible. I have not gotten comfortable enough yet with the handling to push it, but the little I have has been great. The accelation and speed is everything it is hyped up to be. The car is completely stock and yet I have only ridden in 2 other cars in my life that are as quick, and both of them were highly modified. The way it sets you back in the seat, especially in the first 3 gears, is unforgettable. This car is the stuff of legends and dreams, and it is real and mine.

I am looking forward to a great year of driving once spring comes and getting to some of the VCA events as well as some track time. I started using this site in my research prior to purchase and also look forward to meeting some of you at these events.

I am very interested in anything anyone knows of the history of my car. I bought it from D&M Motorsports, Glen Ellyn, IL. The Carfax shows the car is completely clean of everything but it is a bit confusing. I think it has had 2 previous owners. I was wondering if that is a bit odd considering it is a 1999, and only had 8,100 miles on it. The dealer stated that the previous owner traded it in for an F355. If the previous owners are out there, I would love to get the original window sticker for the car and know if you ever had any problems with it and the break-in procedure you used. I plan on keeping this car for a very long time and would like it as complete as possible.

Just felt like letting the Viper community know they have another happy driver.

Viper Wizard

Apr 28, 2001
Reaction score
South Salem, NY USA

It's going to be a LONG winter!

For the history, give me a call with the VIN# and I can tell you what DC has on it.


VCA Venom Member
Venom Member
Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Zionsville,IN. USA
Congrats !!!

The Illinois Region is a STRONG Region...and, Great People. Hook up with them ASAP...and, you may also find out a little more about your Viper.

Steve Fess Sec. VCA Ind/Ky Region, Inc.
and assoc. member ILL Region


Viper Owner
Nov 15, 2002
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA USA

I would prefer not to post what I paid. I can say that I didn't pay any more than what it was worth to me. The car is still shown in the dealer's inventory. You can look it up at the site below.

I paid considerably less than what they were asking for it. No warranty.


Jul 27, 2000
Reaction score
Severna Park, Maryland
Ok, now the first thing you wqnt to do is buy the extended warranty from a Dodge dealer. If you follow up with the wizards offer to check the cars history, price a warranty with him, both he and Bill Pemberton at Woodhouse have a reputation for giving good deals on extended warrantys, you need to shop this purchase and not just walk into your local dealer and buy it, you will most likely pay too much. The warrranty will cost you a few unexpected bucks but it WILL be more than worth it as time goes on. Your factory warranty should be about to expire if it hasn't already, the extended one at 7 years is wonderful insurance.

Roland L-Ocala FL

Oct 16, 2000
Reaction score
Ocala, FL USA
You definitely have to come out to Gingerman Race Track next Father's Day to watch the Vipers racing there! It is a great experience and you will witness first hand what the Viper is all about on the track. Congrats on your Viper, and good luck with it. Hope to meet up with you if you come out to the track or are in the West Michigan area sometime. You are in a Viper stronghold of the country and you have a great Viper Club there (Ilinois Viper Club) to join.
Be careful with that snake, if you push it too hard too fast, it will bite you back, make no mistake about that. Learn to drive it the right way by going to a high performance driving school through the Illinois Viper Club.
When we bought our Viper 4 years ago, I drove it back from Cincinnati to Hastings, MI, about 300 miles and did the same thing you did, I put it right to bed for the winter. However, I developed a severe case of Red Snake Fever over that winter, and have yet to fully recover from it.