May 5th Classic Car Cruise "Update"


May 31, 2011
Reaction score
Seguin, TX
John Weber and I went out last Sunday and reconnoitered (Hey, I'm ex-military) the route. We got a better idea of time and distance involved pursuant the route we will be taking. Following, is an updated plan for the drive. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Mike G.

2012 Alamo Area Council of Car Clubs (AACOCC) Classic Car Cruise May 5, 2012

The Alamo Area council of Governments (AACOG) has been helping the 11 Counties
surrounding Bexar County for almost 45 years.

The mission of the Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG) is to enhance the quality of life for all residents of the Alamo Region in partnership with elected and appointed officials, funders, community partners and beneficiaries.

AACOG serves the Alamo Area/State Planning Region 18, which covers 12 counties and 11,354 square miles. Comprising the area planning region are Atascosa, Bandera, Bexar, Comal, Frio, Gillespie, Guadalupe, Karnes, Kendall, Kerr, Medina, and Wilson counties.

Twice a year the Alamo Area Council of Car Clubs (AACOCC) has a classic car cruise. The spring cruise is to the southern counties and the fall cruise is to the northern counties.
We will be all meeting at the corner of 281 and St. Mary’s street around 8:30 and leaving around 9:00. The meeting spot is at the Trinity Baptist Church parking lot (Tri Point).
3233 N. St. Mary's San Antonio, TX 78212

Each city rolls out a welcome mat for us to come and enjoy their history, cookies and coffee! Many stops are at the towns historical building or museum. People from all around come to see the cool rides and visit with the drivers as well as their neighbors!

Most of the car clubs in the AACOG counties will be participating so you never know
what kind of automobile you will be parking next to. One town it could be a Model A
and the next could be a Rat Rod and the next could be a Jag!

The plan this year is to go down 181 South to the following towns:
1. Floresville: They have Market days to coincide with the drive. We park on Ave. C beside the courthouse.
2. Cestahowa: Beautifully restored Church for the Spanish troops protecting the Camino Real ranch during July 4th, 1776!! They provided beef for the troops allied to the American Colonists. This is an area steeped in Texas and American History!
3. Panna Maria: Beautifully restored Church and visitors center.
4: Helena: Stop at the old Karnes County Courthouse Museum.
5: Runge: Runge City Park on Helena Street (Hwy 81) between Lavaca and Guadalupe streets for lunch. A friend of the Viper Club is rolling out a lunch stop for us in Runge. Jay Streeter is hosting the party at the Runge City park across from the Firestation. They will be hosting all drivers from 11:00-3:00. Jay said come with an appetite as he will have lots of burgers and drinks for all! (We will be arriving around 12:00).

(AACOCC) Classic Car Cruise continued;

So here is the plan for the drive:

8:30 arrive at Tri-Point (281 and St Mary’s Street); San Antonio, TX

Depart at 9:00. With 5 stops we want to get driving as fast as possible.

Take 281 South through SA. Exit onto 181 South. Travel 30 miles to Floresville.

Leave Floresville. Continue down 181 South about 12.5 miles.

Turn left on 887 East and drive another 5.8 miles.

Turn right on 3191 and travel 4 miles to Cestahowa.

Leave Cestahowa and take 123 South about 4.1 miles.

Turn right onto 81 East and travel about 5.2 miles to Panna Maria.

Leave Panna Maria, continue on 81 East, and go about 3.5 miles to Helena.

Leave Helena, continue on 81 and go 9 miles into Runge. The Runge City Park is on 81 between Lavaca and Guadalupe streets across from the Fire Station. By my estimate, we should arrive between 12:00- 1:00 for lunch. Perfect burger timing!

Leave Runge, continue on 81 to 72. Turn right on 72 to Kenedy. Yes, it’s spelled with only one “N”.

In Kenedy, turn right on 5th Street, to 181.

Take 181 back to San Antonio.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Michael D. Gallagher. [email protected] (830) 303-7611
Long live the Viper Nation! Let’s show South Texas the hottest cars around!

John Weber & Michael D. Gallagher


May 31, 2011
Reaction score
Seguin, TX
Hi Rich,

Great that you are going to be able to attend. Be sure and bring someone with you if possible. John Weber deserves all credit for this one. He put the whole package together.
It will be fun.


Jul 23, 2008
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San Antonio, TX
Its DAMN early but we got the car warming up and are bringing one more Viper with us from the north. Looking forward to this run, should be a fantastic day!:headbang:
Last edited:

Texas 97 GTS B/W

Dec 12, 2010
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I'm glad everyone had fun! We will be mapping out a run in the northern counties for the fall time frame


May 31, 2011
Reaction score
Seguin, TX

Thanks for putting this together. Wife and I had a very good time. Who knew that among our group, was our very own living-breathing-walking-talking encyclopedia of Texas culture and history; our very own Jim C.
Learned a lot about what is in my very own back yard from this gentleman, who is descended from much of that very same historic era. The history of Helena was particularly intriguing. Butlers, railroad and last famous gunfight. Awesome stuff. Thanks Jim. :2tu:

Very much looking forward to the one in the fall. A lot less bug goo to contend with and wipe off the front fascia, I hope. :)

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