Patience Please


Nov 8, 2000
Reaction score
Dallas, TX US
Viper community-

We're asking everyone to be patient with support/admin over the coming months, as we are going to be transitioning to a new support person. I know this is an important topic, so excuse the lack of brevity:

We decided we need more control over the administrative functions of the club (for instance, being notified in advance when days off are being taken) so we have decided to engage with a contractor directly. Our hope is this will drastically improve the member experience, while actually saving about 30%.

As we've said many times our goal is to be transparent with your money, and get the best value, so here is how this process has worked:
1) Took out an ad, within 12 hours we have over 200 resumes
2) We cut this down to ~50 or so very qualified individuals (qualification were: customer service rep, office administrator, accounting experience)
3) we then scored the 50 individuals (looking at other attributes like car/non-profit managament), and narrowed it down to 10 for interviews
4) Down selecting to 2-4 for in-person interviews (we are in steps 3-4 now)
5) Final selection next week

It should be obvious, but these individuals have no prior relationship with the board, the VCA, or anyone that we know of, so we are confident we are getting a fair deal from a business standpoint.


You will be receiving the magazine in the next few days electronically. As stated before, we don't want to say "it's done and on the way", we want you to have something to enjoy while it goes through the fun process of being made into dead trees and put into trucks to wheel its way to your mailbox.

So this transition will take place starting next week, it will take time for this new individual to get up to speed, but we think in the long run we will be much better for it, so we appreciate your patience in advance...


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