Viper Club of America President's Letter


Former VCA National President
Aug 1, 2003
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Warren, OH
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Season’s Greetings to all Viper Owners!!!!

It's getting a little colder now and some kind of white stuff is covering the roads. Whether it is snow or salt - neither is good for the Viper. So, it is time to put her away, just like everyone else here in the North. As for those of you who don't have to put your Vipers away, I am jealous! Please have fun and enjoy them, as I would.

'Tis the season for giving and receiving gifts, and VCA has recently received a very important one. The IRS audit is now complete. The IRS determined that there were no tax issues withu past or present 990 tax filings – including how VPA was accounted. In fact, we have been awarded a credit, instead of an invoice. We came through with one hell of an education; and, we can continue to operate under our non-profit status. We owe Hank Raattama and Bob Panoff a huge thank you for everything that they did on behalf of VCA. Now that this is done, the club can really move forward.

So, our first step is to increase our membership numbers. You see, membership dues are the main source of Viper Club of America income. This is the money the club uses for administrative operations, as well as to provide our members with magazines, membership perks and gifts. Other income from advertising, store sales, etc. helps to offset the operational costs; but, again, it’s your support that keeps VCA operating for all Viper Owners and Enthusiasts to enjoy. The bottom line is…the more members we have, the more the club can give back. So let’s see if we can get those membership numbers up for 2017!

Another is to clear up some confusion among the Viper Community. Viper Club of America is not affiliated in any way with the Viper Owners Association. This is still a great misunderstanding that many Viper owners, and perhaps you have too. Through actual past member phone calls, we have learned that many former VCA members have been led to believe that by paying VOA dues they are still a part of the VCA Hissstory, but this is not the case. There are many similarities between the two clubs, so it’s no wonder someone can get confused. However, VCA is the Original Club, and that’s what we will always be. We will always be the only club that holds the Dodge Viper Legacy and the 20 plus years of Club Hissstory.

We have made some great strides and important changes to our operations these past few years; and, we want to assure you that VCA is strong. If you have not already done so, please consider joining us, as we celebrate and give back to our members in the upcoming 2017 calendar year. For those members that have already renewed, VCA would like to thank you for your support in 2017!

Here are just a few things VCA has planned:

Viper Magazine – one issue is already in the works

New Viper Merchandise - please watch our Website and Facebook page for new items to come

VOI 14 – yes, we skipped 2016 because we want to give every Viper Owner a chance to go to all National Events, not to have to make a choice. Since the VOA decided to hold theirs in the even-numbered years, we will now be hosting ours in the odd-numbered years

A Raffle – we are still working out the logistics, so we’ll keep you posted

2017 is shaping up to be an exciting year for Viper Club of America. There are so many things to celebrate, like the 25[SUP]th[/SUP] Anniversary of the Viper itself; and, others to rally around, like the closing of the CAAP. It’s even more important now for all Viper Owners to come together on all platforms and show your support with a 2017 Viper Club of America membership. VCA is here to stay, and we hope you will be a part of it.

Happy Holidays! Semper Viper!

Bill White
Viper Club of America, President
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Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Thank you for the thank you Bill. It was a privilege to help and it always feels good to do pro bono work. As we say down here in South Florida, Felice Anno Nuevo!!


VCA Venom Member
Feb 8, 2011
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Sarasota, Fl
You have been a loyal supporter of VCA for years. I'm always interested in your "take" on various discussions that have gone on in the VCA forums.
I think that all VCA members owe you a big Thank You for your efforts to help the club through these trying times. Thank you so much--Dave


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Thank you Dave. You and the other club members and those who are no longer members who indirectly benefited from the end of the exam are very welcome. The VCA has a long history as an organization and has accomplished much over the more than twenty years of its existence. The extensive data stored on this website regarding Gen I,II,III and IV Vipers, including the online chats with the SRT engineers, is unparalleled. The VCA memorabilia that many have and collect is historically significant. All of this will be increasingly important to the Viper Nation now that our beloved beast is coming to the end of its production and the Viper human assets will be scattered throughout FCA.


Mar 13, 2007
Reaction score
Thank you for providing the background and difference between the VOA and the VCA. I look forward to the VOI and raffle! Cheers! :)

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